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Promoting countries to respect sovereignty a reflection of China’s new security concept

Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

According to the UN definition, national sovereignty is "a core principle of international law governing international relations, which affirms States' independence and authority to govern their domestic jurisdiction." National sovereignty is something that all countries long for, but unfortunately, in the real world it is too hard for some countries to obtain or maintain.

On Sunday when Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held phone talks with Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani at request, he expressed China's support for Iran in safeguarding its sovereignty security and national dignity in accordance with the law. Wang said China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, a top leader of Hamas, in Iran's capital of Tehran, believing that it gravely violates the basic norms governing international relations, seriously infringes on Iran's sovereignty security and dignity, directly undermines the Gaza ceasefire negotiation process, and shocks regional peace and stability. 

Wang's statement reflects China's consistent position and principles in international affairs, which is to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries. At the same time, it also shows that China is wary of any behavior that violates the principle of sovereignty, regardless of the reason or the country committing the violation.

China's stance is in stark contrast to that of some Western countries. The chaos and escalation of tensions in the Middle East are caused and fueled by certain Western countries, particularly the US, not respecting the sovereignty of countries like Palestine and Iran, and allowing forces to violate the sovereignty of these nations. Throughout history, major conflicts and crises have arisen from individual countries disregarding the sovereignty of others and interfering in their internal affairs. The key to solving this chaos and laying the foundation for peace is, first and foremost, showing respect for sovereignty. 

Wang also renewed China's call for joint efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East. China is playing an increasingly active role in promoting peace in the Middle East and this is being valued by countries in the region as China does not pick sides, which helps all parties to sincerely promote problem resolution.

However, the West always sees China's mediation and stance in the Israel-Palestine conflicts and the Russia-Ukraine issue through a geopolitical lens, failing to comprehend China's broader mindset in resolving these hotspot regional tensions, which is to safeguard the foundation of international relations.

"When the West talks about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it often focuses solely on criticizing Russia's actions against Ukraine in an attempt to discredit Russia. However, it fails to acknowledge that Russia's actions were in response to NATO's eastward expansion.  When trying to resolve the conflicts, China advocates assessing the situation on the basis of the historical context and the merits of the issue," Zhang Chuchu, deputy director of the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times. 

"Whether it is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine or the one between Palestine and Israel, the basis of all China's positions in promoting peace and negotiation is that all parties respect the principle of sovereignty," said Cui Heng, a research fellow from the Center for Russian Studies of East China Normal University. 

In international relations, a country's behavior depends on its national interests, but unconstrained national behavior often becomes the cause of international conflicts and hinders the development of a more just and reasonable international order. Only when countries constrain their own behavior in accordance with international norms such as the principle of sovereignty, can the world order with the UN at the core be strengthened and the power politics be weakened.

"Promoting countries to respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity internationally is a reflection of China's new security concept and China's efforts and contributions to building a peaceful international environment," Zhang said.
